Heirloom®Coffee. Is singularly distinctive and mysterious.  These beans are among the oldest varietals in existence and the methods of growing them and their unique qualities are becoming increasingly rare.

Our beans are chosen from the older coffee varietals; some, growing nearly wild at the higher altitudes in mineral rich volcanic soil giving them their vibrantly deep and complex flavor – these plants naturally adapt to climate, soils and pests without the use of pesticides. Hand picked only when ripe – then properly aged, fermented and sun dried.

For over 45 years Jim Stewart, founder of Seattle’s Best Coffee, has worked to protect the these plants and traditional growing practices that make this coffee so good.  This coffee is a direct continuation of that legacy. We source these beans through his foundation.

Coffee is a labor-intensive crop grown in some of the most economically marginalized and environmentally sensitive regions of the world. The legacy of colonization and coffee are inextricably interwoven, leaving new generations of coffee growers and indigenous communities with the responsibility and challenge to forge a balance between the past, present and future. The life of not only the plants themselves, but also of the farmers, the pickers, and their families and communities, continue to be vulnerable to rapid changes in political and economic circumstances as well as the ever-increasing unpredictability of weather patterns across the tropics. The stories of their lives are equally complicated and inspiring.

“We hope you will be inspired to take action amidst the challenge of our rapidly changing environment.”   Eva founder of Heirloom Coffee

Traditions Foundation contributes with your help, a portion of retail sales to organizations & individuals dedicated to reclamation and restoration of indigenous people’s cultures and the natural environment.

Indigenous cultures around the world have not lost their deep understanding of their local ecology and universal mythology; and, are vital repositories of ancestral knowledge comprised of oral history, ritual, land stewardship and culinary traditions.

With their permission we wish to bring forth some of their stories of birth and life as they are at the vanguard of protecting the environment and cultural diversity for all of us. links here stan